The Oracol Xor Crypto Platform

The Oracol Xor Crypto Platform

Recent technological innovation brought us modern tools such as the GPS, enabling the ridesharing and food delivery economies of Uber, Lyft and Foodora, innovations that we already take for granted. Today self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the prospect of colonizing Mars with SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket – once the dreams of radical futurists – now seem inevitable. And yet another frontier of technology is emerging, its prospects threatening to forever change the banking and financial services sectors. While it remains relatively unknown to the majority, who remain generally unaware of its existence, this is changing rapidly as entrepreneurs and visionaries seek its rapid adoption. To realize the magnitude of the change that is unraveling before us, it is worth remembering how email disrupted the postal service, a service we now aptly call snail mail. While the post remains relevant for certain limited use-cases, such as sending official material documents and packages, its use for everyday communication has rapidly diminished. In exactly the same way, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are igniting a true financial revolution, disrupting the way financial transactions are being conducted all over the world.

Today crypto investors continue to search for the next Bitcoin, Verge, and Eos, or they focus their search for investment opportunities delivering exponential earnings growth over long periods of time. The search continues for new concepts, ideas or platforms that have global scope and massive expansionary potential. If you are a crypto investor or if you represent a company that is looking to invest, look no further: YOUR SEARCH IS OVER! We are proud to introduce the Oracol Xor Crypto Platform! The platform is in its 2nd year of development and its goal is to stimulate mass adoption of crypto through its gateway currency Oracol Xor. By utilizing innovative elements such as its own upcoming social network, Oracol Xor cryptocurrency will allow for peer-to-peer transactions and a grassroots level worldwide distribution network for its Xor denominated currency cards. Finally, the platform will integrate mobile phone payments for users in areas without data coverage, unlocking a market of over 3 billion people who live with tenuous access to reliable data.

Oracol Xor has identified these elements as being key to developing a successful platform. By taking a grassroots approach and using simple and accessible methods of acquiring and using cryptocurrencies, Oracol Xor is positioning itself as the main player in stimulating further adoption and democratizing blockchain technology. If this approach isn’t exciting enough, Oracol Xor is also looking to help investors and early adopters get in on the action early and allow funds participation in the ICO scheduled to begin on December 11, 2018, technically setting a paradigm shift and democratizing the ICO process. Shortly after the ICO, Oracol Xor will be listed on and later on cryptocurrency exchanges around the world. Needless to say, we anticipate massive early adoption of our original cryptocurrency and project lucrative arbitrage opportunities for early investors. To meet the team and keep in touch with the latest developments and news related to this project, join our Telegram Channel or subscribe in the ICO website https;// and get 5 Free Oracol Xor coins.


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